The company name, Kasoro, originates from the African name for the little black-and-white bird, the honey-guide, famous for guiding people to bee nests in to find the honey.  Very apt….

Kasoro, Michèle Robertson brings to the mining industry over twenty-five years of broad exploration experience in commodities including precious and base metals, diamonds, coal and gas; from grass-roots exploration to participation in competent person reporting, feasibility studies, due diligences, fatal-flaw analysis and listings. With practical living and working experience in various southern African countries as a geological contractor and working with consultancies as an independent, Kasoro has been privileged to work with and learn from the best in the industry.

Kasoro has been responsible for acquiring and maintaining tenure for over thirty local and multinational companies, many listed, leading to a very practical knowledge of South Africa’s Mineral Tenure and Environmental legislative systems. This experience extends to other African countries. 

Kasoro established a very successful Mineral Tenure Department for a well-known Gauteng-based exploration consultancy, which involved direct contact with the exciting challenges in the country at the time when the MPRDAct* was enacted, using a very practical knowledge of South Africa’s Mineral Tenure system that can be classified as a SAMREC (and similar) Code “Competent Person” equivalent in Mineral Tenure. Kasoro has been instrumental in the starting and training of a number of mineral tenure teams belonging to a number of successful companies in the private sector.* MPRDAct = Minerals and Petroleum Development Act, no 28 of 2002

Kasoro believes in working with its clients and service-providers as part of a team. Recommendations for the input of service providers, experts and/or specialists are part of the brief. Kasoro can supply to the team industry perspective, geological knowledge and mineral tenure expertise. Confidentiality has become cardinal in Kasoro becoming a trusted partner in such teams.

Kasoro attributes its success to an understanding of the very dynamic and global nature of the exploration business; an understanding of the practicalities and support required for successful field exploration; an uncompromising stance on security of tenure; the proven ability to manage and motivate people; a belief in working as a team (from unskilled staff to the CEO to the all-important investor); and a passion for exploration.

Kasoro believes in the potential of South Africa’s current minerals industry and has been involved on a pro-bono basis, in an advisory capacity to both the DMR and the Industry and has actively participated on various committee’s of the COMEMdesk, MMDB and MIGDETT.

Kasoro has a passion for the positive management of natural resources which enables mining and exploration to thrive within a sustainable physical environment with a social license to operate.

Kasoro believes that change breeds opportunity and

Kasoro thrives on the challenges that change brings.